
Physiotherapists are specialised in the conservative treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Illnesses, accidents, hereditary dysfunctions, but also post-operative problems, incorrect weightbearing or overstressing can all lead to a restricted function of the musculoskeletal system.

By implementing various therapeutic treatment measures, both mobility and functionality of the human body are restored, improved or maintained. During a targeted physiotherapeutic examination, the physical ailments of the locomotory system are determined, and any limitations in the patient’s mobility, functionality and range of motion are assessed.

Physiotherapeutic measures are usually executed on a doctor’s referral and are thus covered by basic health insurance («Grundversicherung») or accident insurence («Unfallversicherung»). But physiotherapists are also allowed to treat patients without a doctor’s referral, in which case the patient must carry the treatment costs him/herself.

Physiotherapy is made up of active (exercise therapy, posture training, ergonomic or sport-specific consulting, sport physiotherapy), as well as passive (manual therapy, therapeutic massage, electrotherapy, ultrasound etc.) measures which lessen pain and increase (or restore or improve) strength, muscular stability and joint mobility.

Following a physiotherapeutic examination, your physiotherapist will issue a targeted, individually coordinated set of measures.


  • Restoration, preservation and facilitation of general health.
  • Pain relief, regulation of muscular tension and the elimination of functional disorders
  • Optimisation of joint mobility, muscular strength and stability and posture training
  • Improvement in the coordination of motion sequences, i.e. after a stroke
  • Fall prevention, gait training, learning to walk securely and improvement of balance
  • Improvement of the cardiovascular system
  • Development of compensation possibilities with lasting disabilities or conditions
  • Improvement of quality of life in work, day-to-day life and in sports
  • Prevention of recurring problems

