In-Home Physiotherapy

In-Home physiotherapy simply means that the/a course of physical therapy takes place at your home. In addition to home visits, we also offer physiotherapy in rest and nursing homes.

If a patient is not able to come to our physiotherapy practice, for physical or organisational reasons, in-home therapy can be considered. But this must be explicitly prescribed by a physician.

Quite often, we will visit a patient at home during the initial rehabilitation phase, and then, therapy can be continued at Physiotherapie Rosenau. There are cases, though, when the main aim is to sustain the capabilities and independence of the patient in his daily life, as long as a structured daily routine is possible.

Just as in regular physiotherapy, a patient treated at home shares great responsibility for the success of the therapy offered.

Our experienced physiotherapists carry out an examination on-site, and are able to align the therapy according to the patients current state and surroundings. Close cooporation with the attending physician, Spitex (external nursing service) or relatives is very important to us, and also leads to the best therapeutic outcome possible.

In-home physiotherapy takes place on a physician’s referral and is covered by basic health insurance («Grundversicherung»).


  • 01.05.24

    Auffahrt am Donnerstag, 09. Mai 2024

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass am 9. Mai 2024 Auffahrt ist und wir die Praxis sowie auch den Trainingsraum den ganzen Tag  geschlossen haben.  